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Listen Your Way With Audiomack’s Local File Player
How To

Listen Your Way With Audiomack’s Local File Player

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January 22, 2021

Audiomack’s mission is to move ALL music forward, and that includes music that isn’t currently on Audiomack.

Introducing the local file player.

Our latest app feature allows users to play any music stored on their device. Enjoy locally stored audio in the same place as your favorite streaming content on the Audiomack app, and bridge your existing music library with the ability to stream and discover new music.

Streaming + Offline + Local

Listen to any music you want, however you want. With Audiomack as your all-purpose music controller, you can stream tens of millions of songs on-demand, save music to your device for zero-data listening, and use the app to play any songs saved on your phone. No more fiddling with multiple apps to access the music you love.

Play Your Music

New to streaming?

Have a classic mixtape saved on your phone?

Want to hear music you can’t find on streaming?

Simply select the folder on your phone from which you want to play locally-stored files.

Creators, the local file player is also an incredible resource for keeping track of and listening to your demos before they’re ready to hit streaming. Review those rough cuts alongside your already-released music to track the growth of your sound, without having to upload anything unfinished to the platform.

Update Your Audiomack App

Audiomack’s local file player allows users to play any music files, including MP3s, M4A, WAV, and more. Social features—Re-Up, favorite, playlisting, sharing, commenting, etc.—are not available with local files.

Local file player functionality is currently only available for Android users on 5.11, the latest version of the Audiomack app, so update now!

How to Use the Local File Player

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After updating to the latest version of the Audiomack Android app (5.11):

  1. Upon launch, a notification will ask if you want to add local files
  2. Selecting “Add” will take you to the Select Files menu that allows you to select and add your local files
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If you deny the option to link, or don’t receive the notification, you can enable local file linking anytime in your Offline library. This is also where you can select which local files you’d like to “hide” so that they do not appear in your Audiomack library.

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